If you want business growth for your own company read on. I saw a post on LinkedIn earlier. I saw a similar post of Facebook just a few days ago. ‘Another Satisfied Customer.’ The final straw was a customer satisfaction survey which actually asked me if I was ‘satisfied’ with the service I had received from a particular supplier.

As business owners we are all conditioned to talk about customer satisfaction, but think about it. If you go anywhere or buy anything, satisfaction is the very least you would expect. Go to a restaurant and you aren’t at least satisfied, then you’ll be complaining. If we aren’t satisfied with our purchases from Amazon or EBay we are straight onto the Complaints and Refunds section. So why are we so ready to accept customer satisfaction as ok when we are selling our own products and services?

Customer Experience

Start thinking about the customer journey from the very first customer touchpoint with your company to the very last. Think about each of those touchpoints very carefully and look at how you can WOW and AMAZE your customers at every opportunity.

Get them talking about you. Be so great that they can’t help but talk about your company whenever they meet anyone.

You are competing with everyone, not just your traditional industry competitors. Every company which provides World Class Plus service. Think about those times where you have experienceed the extraordinary levels of service which got you talking. How can you do that for your customers?

Do you want to go the extra mile …. when your competitors are going an extra five miles to WOW their customers?

Do you want to offer a same day service answering your website queries … when your competitors get back to their customers in the same hour?

Listen to this clip from Michael Heppell on Service.

How do you make people feel when they transact with you? Do you make them feel special. Another great speaker, Geoff Ramm, asks a very simple question. If a celebrity walked through your door or called you, would you treat them differently to one of your other customers? Think about your celebrity guilty secret. That one celebrity who you would swoon over. If your service for your guilty secret is higher than your standard service, then fill that gap between the two and treat all your customers like celebrities. THAT’s how to WOW your customers. Listen to Geoff Ramm on Celebrity Service and if you get the chance to see him live, then take it.


Please comment below on what you do to wow and amaze your customers or what you have seen other companies do.

This blog is for small business owners in and around the Bolton and Bury areas and the East Lancashire towns of Blackburn, Accrington and Burnley, where ActionCOACH North West has its office and helps business owners to grow their businesses.