GrowthCLUB is your 90-day business planning workshop. We will inspire and assist you to build a step-by-step practical, relevant and tailor-made action plan for the next 90 days, aimed at driving more profit into your business.


It is absolutely true to say that business owners who have a clear, concise and visible plan with key goals and tasks for the next 90 days are more productive and successful than those who have everything in their head.

For many business owners, finding time to plan for your business can seem a big ask, but making the time to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t can be the difference between survival and closure.

The stakes have never been higher for you and your business and now is the time to take some time out of your business to build your success plan.

A few hours to plan for success is a small investment for what you can get. During the day, you will:

  • Create a 90-day plan
  • Take control and get organised
  • Learn proven profit strategies
  • Discuss & share new ideas with other business owners

By the end of your first GrowthCLUB, you will have a clear picture of where your business will be in 90-days’ time and a step-by-step plan to get you there.

After GrowthCLUB you also get:

  • Monthly Group Accountability Sessions with our Coach via Zoom
  • Access to the hundreds of strategies in the ActionCOACH tool box

What is GrowthCLUB?

GrowthCLUB is a once a quarter workshop that makes creating tactical plans for your business both profitable and fun. With planning sessions every quarter, many choose to also add in weekly, fortnightly or monthly meetings to help them stay on course.

In GrowthCLUB, you are trained on strategies that will help you master your time, be clear on your priorities and equip you with the mindset and tools you need to achieve your goals.

What do you get?

  • Energy, vision and focus for the next 90 days in your business
  • Practical business growth strategies you can implement right away
  • A REAL plan to operate your business for the next quarter
  • Skills and tools to get more done in your business

By the end of this action-packed workshop, you will have a clear picture of where your business will be after 90 days as well as a plan to get you there, so what are you waiting for?

To claim your spot in our next GrowthCLUB, just register now. We look forward to seeing you there, live, face to face.

Who should attend?

GrowthCLUB 90-day business planning is designed for business owners and senior managers, though anyone is welcome. Many business owners choose to include one or two of their senior team. It often helps to include more then one person from a company, as it can make it easier to create plans on the day, and to hit the ground running when it comes to implementing the plans.

Is this just for big businesses?

GrowthCLUB is for just about any size of business, whether you’re the business owner with no employees, or part of a large organisation with a large team – ActionCOACH prides its self on creating success for all business types and this event is for you.

How much does GrowthCLUB cost?

Your first visit to GrowthCLUB will be £95 + VAT

If you then decide to join GrowthCLUB you have two ways to pay.

A quarterly payment of £295 + VAT or monthly payments of £100 + VAT

Listen to what Steve Judge, award-winning speaker and coach, and some of our past attendees had to say about GrowthCLUB.

Guest Speakers

Brabners Logo

Nikki Whittle – Partner – Head Of Corporate

Headshot of Nikki Whittle

The importance of shareholder protection for business owners

Ensuring your business has the necessary protection in place is often crucial to ensure your business and family are protected in certain situations. The key elements of shareholder protection can safeguard your business and family members in the event of the divorce, death, retirement or bankruptcy of a shareholder. The agreement will also set out in advance how disputes should be dealt with and will also prepare for what will happen when things go wrong or the relationship between the shareholders sours.

Having the necessary protection in place can assist a shareholder in dealing with an exiting shareholder’s shares, in valuing those shares, and dealing with how those shares may be disposed of or transferred. Nikki will discuss what steps business owners can take to ensure that their shareholding is protected and will also highlight some issues that can arise if business owners get this wrong.

Nikki is an experienced corporate and insolvency lawyer, and handles a broad range of corporate transactions (on both a solvent and insolvent basis) including mergers, acquisitions and MBOs.

Nikki works with a variety of clients — from SMEs to large corporates — and regularly handles matters relating to owner-managed and family businesses throughout their life-cycles, from the start-up stage right through to eventual exit via trade or private equity sale, management buy-out or sale to an employee ownership trust. She also advises business owners on scaling up by natural expansion, acquisition or private equity investment and assists investors and shareholders to properly protect their investments by preparing and advising on the appropriate agreements that need to be in place — from the pre-investment stage all the way through to handling investor exits.

Logo for eTalent

Nik Plevin

This is a headshot of Nik Plevin, MD of eTalent

During his presentation Nik will discuss how recruitment has changed since COVID, and explore current trends in the recruitment space. He will provide practical tips on how to improve your chances of success when recruiting staff, and consider how the links between personality, behaviour and values can have a major influence on a successful recruitment campaign.

Nik is the founder and MD of eTalent which is a fully customisable recruitment software, with integrated Applicant Tracking (ATS), Psychometric Assessments (Personality and DISC) and Candidate Video Previews. It can be used independently or as part of a flat-fee end-to-end recruitment package which includes very competitive job board advertising.

Fill in the form below and we will be in touch to arrange payment.

Fill in the form below and we will be in touch to arrange payment.

Thursday 26th September

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

from £95.00+VAT

1 Higher Bridge St

01204 852705